A Game of Numbers



Everything about social media and marketing is now a numbers game. How many accounts are engaging? How many pre-orders? How many subscribers? How many people have your marketing efforts reached? It is all about the numbers.


Those numbers can evolve from pure, clinical statistics to real world supporters, but you have to maximize that possibility.


The best way to maximize your numbers is to engage with your current base. Those who are already invested in you, author, will spread the word. Just one supporter can result in triple the followers overnight. But you have to play your cards right and follow through.


Consistent presence requires dedication, but that fills followers with anticipation, knowing your next post is just around the corner. That steadiness will provide an increase in likes, comments, and shares. All important numbers. On social media, most people will only engage with posts and videos with the highest numbers because they believe it is quality content. Use that to your advantage to build your numbers. This will take time, but it will be well worth the effort.


Marketing is a perfect opportunity to work on those numbers. Age groups are a crucial aspect of marketing, one that is focused entirely on numbers. Make sure you are taking the time to review your response rates among certain groups and capitalize on the numbers that are most receptive.


Even though the game of numbers is essential to building your presence, you must remember to step closer, author. All of those numbers are individual fans, and they are here for you: a single number in the billions out there. Focus on building your numbers, but never forget the importance of the one.