Testing, Testing: Podcasts and Connecting



One of the best and latest formats to introduce yourself to a larger audience is through podcasts. Podcasts have dedicated fans who tune in to listen regularly. For many, it is a part of their routine. Becoming a guest on a podcast can be beneficial to you, author. You have the opportunity to promote yourself, build relationships, and make connections through this format.


Don’t be afraid to reach out to podcasts to see if they would be interested in having you as a guest, author. You won’t know the answer until you ask. Don’t be discouraged if they decline, instead make a note to try again at a later date. Sometimes they have requirements for guests that you have not met yet (publish count, social media followers, etc.).


Do your research before emailing or messaging podcast hosts. Make sure their program is complimentary to your work, and their audience is one you want to reach. If you write cookbooks for example, the murder mystery podcast may not be the best option. But if you write cookbooks based on historical movements, perhaps a fantasy or historical podcast could be perfect. Check their social media accounts as well and do a deep dive into their history.


Once you narrow down programs that would be beneficial to your brand, do your research about those shows. Listen to their episodes, especially ones that have other authors as guests. Do you enjoy the way the hosts do their shows? How do they interact with authors? Is the show well managed or a total mess? Pay attention to your reaction as you listen. If you find yourself laughing along with jokes the hosts make, this could be the perfect podcast to reach out to.


It may take time to be scheduled as a guest on a podcast. Many times these programs are working months in advance. Always be professional and courteous when in discussion, especially if you are rejected. They may reach out at a later date to schedule with you, but definitely will not if you leave a bad impression.